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3 FAQs about Understanding Adoption Laws in California

The adoption process can seem daunting at first glance. But American Adoptions will help you understand adoption laws in California and your adoption rights.

People from all walks of life choose adoption for different reasons. But, by choosing adoption, you are always choosing a brighter future for yourself and your child. Our full-service, national adoption agency will be there for you from start to finish.

Contact us online to get more free information now about adoption laws in California.

3 FAQs about Adoption Laws in California

Understanding adoption laws in California is an essential part of your journey.

There are many adoption laws in California. And these questions can have a direct impact on your adoption process when working with our agency.

Fill out our online contact form to get more free information now about understanding adoption laws in California.

1. Can Parental Rights Be Reinstated after Adoption in California?

Adoption is a lifelong decision. That’s why you should be sure of your decision when going through this step. Once you sign the consent forms, your parental rights can’t be reinstated after adoption in California.

In California, with our agency, there is no revocation period for domestic adoption. You can consent to your adoption any time after the baby is born and you have been discharged from the hospital.

That is why you are never expected to complete your adoption paperwork until you are completely comfortable with your choice.

2. What Is the Adoption Process after the Termination of Parental Rights in California?

Once you consent to the adoption by signing all the paperwork, you’ve terminated your parental rights. That doesn’t mean adoption ends there, though.

Adoption is a lifelong journey.  There is no right or wrong way to begin post-adoption life.

As a birth parent, you can:

  • Start fresh

  • Resume your life as “normal”

  • Pursue life goals

Adoption is an emotionally complex experience and it’s perfectly normal to feel a whirlwind of emotions. Birth mothers often experience a process similar to the seven stages of grief. You are not alone. 

Contact us online now to get free 24/7 support for the complex emotions that come with choosing adoption.

3. What Rights Does an Adopted Child Have in California?

As an adoptee, your child has adoption rights. They may have questions about you or their story, and that’s where we can help.

Biological children automatically have legal and social rights. Adoptees have legal and social rights but they may not same rights as biological children.

These rights include:

  • Legal access to one’s birth certificate

  • Potentially life-saving medical history from your family

  • Information about one’s personal history, like their biological parents

In the past, most adoptions were closed, meaning there was little to no information for adoptees about their birth family or adoption.

Adoption laws are now changing with the times. States are introducing laws that protect adoptees’ rights.

The vast majority of adoptions today are semi-open adoptions. This means there’s some level of communication between you, the adoptive family and your child.

You’ll have a line of communication with the adoptive family if you choose to have an open adoption. Like everything else in your adoption journey, the level of communication is ultimately up to you.

Choosing adoption for your baby doesn’t have to mean “goodbye” forever. Instead, it can simply mean “see you later.”

Contact Us Today

Adoption can seem overwhelming, but working with us puts our expertise at your service.

We’ll help you understand adoption law in California and what it means for your adoption journey.

We work with thousands of families across the country to help them find the best adoption opportunity possible. In addition to our professional experience, our staff comprises birth mothers, adoptive families and adoptees.

Our firsthand knowledge of the process will help ensure that your adoption goes exactly as you want it to play out.

Fill out our online contact form to get more free information now about understanding adoption laws in California. We’re here to help you at any time. 

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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