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Adam & Jennifer
We are so excited that you are browsing our family profile. We know that you have the most important decision ahead of you and we are so thankful that you are taking the time to read through our profile. Our home is perfectly imperfect and we live that out daily. Love and gratitude ground us and we are so thankful that you are considering us.
What Makes Us Unique

We are both elementary school principals. This is unique in that it allows us the ability to have the exact same schedule and it will allow us to have the same schedule as your child. Travel is one of our core values as a couple - we love exploring new places and cultures. As educators we are extremely fortunate to have one week off for Thanksgiving, two weeks off for Christmas, one week off for Spring Break as well as three weeks off in the summer. These breaks truly allow for us to have quality time as a family unit. We love to travel, rest and spend time with the people and things that we love. We cherish these times and look forward to having built-in breaks throughout the year to spend as a family with your child.
Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Jennifer About Adam: Adam is the most patient, compassionate and loving person I know. He is someone that loves big and knows how to bring out the best in me and others. He is the most supportive person I know and will do whatever is needed to ensure you are always at your best. He is fully present in every aspect of our marriage - he cleans, he cooks, he helps with the dogs, he loves - he does it all. He works hard to make sure that our marriage is a team effort in all aspects of our life. He is the safe space at the end of a long day. Adam was meant to be a father and I am beyond excited to watch him blossom into the role of Dad.
Adam About Jennifer: Jennifer is a caring and loving wife. She dreams BIG and enjoys the little things. She wants to enjoy the world and all that it has to offer; pushing me to try new things and to get out of my routine. A simple bath bomb or cup of coffee (pumpkin spice in the fall) puts a smile on her face. Her communication is direct and this helps us understand how to support each other. Jennifer's unconditional love for dogs is priceless. It is exciting to seeing how this love will translate to being a mother. Cuddling with her and our child will be the perfect place to be.
Fun Facts About Us:

Our House and Neighborhood
We absolutely LOVE our neighborhood within a small town, outside of San Antonio.
We live in a one story, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home. We are fortunate to have an open concept floor plan that includes lots of spaces to cozy up in. Our home is our welcome respite at the end of every day. One of the favorite aspects of the home is our floor-to-ceiling fireplace in the living room - this is our favorite place to curl up in during the fall and winter.
Our neighborhood is culturally diverse and has lots of children. The local elementary school is new and within walking distance of our house.
Within our community we have a park that we can walk to, as well as hiking trails that weave throughout our community. We enjoy being outside and we start our weekend mornings on the hiking trails with the dogs. We also love all the deer and wildlife that roam our neighborhood!
Our community LOVES the holidays! During Halloween, families of all ages and sizes can be found walking or driving their golf carts through the streets to trick or treat. One of our favorite holiday traditions in December is the annual Santa parade. Santa and Mrs. Claus parade through all the neighborhoods in town escorted by the local emergency services to spread holiday cheer. We all wait out front and wave to Santa and Mrs. Claus as they drive through and spread their holiday magic!
Our Extended Families

We are so fortunate in that both of our families are scattered across the country - this allows for us to have plenty of places to visit. We have family in the Northeast, Midwest and California - we basically have coast to coast covered. We love the time we have together with our families. All of our family is excited for the adoption and is ready to shower your child with love. As a family unit, we love to travel and we are so excited to be able to share the beautiful world with your child. We also love trying new restaurants with our family and friends - brunch is Jennifer's favorite while Adam loves finding new restaurants for dinner. Since we are both educators, we always celebrate the beginning and end of the school year with ice cream! There is a small locally owned ice cream shop about one mile from our house and we love to go visit it for these small celebrations. As a family, we love the big moments but relish in the small day to day moments that make life beautiful and we are so thankful for the opportunity to potentially share that beautiful life with your child.

From Us to You

Our hearts are humbled and bursting with pride at the thought that you are considering us to be your child's adoptive family. For that - we can only say thank you from the very bottom of our hearts. We can only imagine the decision that lies ahead of you - please know that we believe adoption is born out of an immense love and we can think of no greater gift than that of a baby entering this world feeling so loved by so many.
If we are the lucky ones chosen to serve as parents for your child, we can promise that your child will be loved each and every day. We promise to do our best job to raise your child rooted in compassion and love. We will challenge them to make a positive impact in the world - to follow their dreams, to pursue their passions, to own their mistakes and grow from them, to never, ever give up and to always remember that their story began with two beautiful families coming together in a place of love and hope.
We both work in elementary education as elementary school principals. This has allowed us to have the luxury of long, extended breaks during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break and of course summer. We look forward to being able to bond and build family memories year after year as we spend quality time together as a family.
We have been married for 9 years this October and have always imagined that our family would include a baby. We have walked the road of infertility for about 6 years with several unsuccessful IUI procedures. This led us to explore the idea of adoption and what that might look like for our family. The more and more we researched, we realized that adoption was our plan and path. Looking back, it seems as though this was the plan all along. Our hearts have already been impacted in such a positive way throughout this process.
The love and support we have experienced from family, friends both close and far - have made us realize how very loved your baby already is. There is a village people excited, waiting and ready to provide love and support for your baby.
As we begin to build our relationship, we are open to exchanging letters and pictures. As our relationship develops, we are open to visits, emails and phone calls when the time is right. Please know that we recognize the gift you are giving your baby is full of courage and sacrifice. We want you to know that you are loved and cared for and your baby will always know that it was born into love and because it was so loved, the decision for adoption was made.
We believe there is a plan bigger than ourselves that has aligned just the right birth family and baby with ours and we are so excited to watch that plan unfold as we grow our perfectly imperfect family. We will continue to keep you and your baby in our thoughts, prayers and well-wishes. May your journey bring your peace and love. If you are our birth mother and baby - we absolutely cannot wait to begin this journey with you.
With Love & Gratitude,
Adam & Jennifer
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