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Should I Adopt a Child in California?

4 Reasons Why You Should Adopt

Receiving news of infertility can be hard for anyone wanting to have children. The healing process will look different for all hopeful parents. There is no telling how long it takes to recover.

Some infertile couples might choose to live child-free lives, but many find other ways to start, grow or complete their families, such as:

Although this guide will walk you through four reasons why you should adopt, it is crucial to do your research on each option and decide which family-building method is right for you.

More information about why you should adopt a child in California is available to you when you contact us online today. Many of our experienced professionals on staff are adoptees, adoptive parents or birth mothers themselves. They can answer any of your adoption-related questions by using their firsthand knowledge.

Why You Should Adopt a Child after Unsuccessful Infertility Treatments

Before considering adoption, many hopeful parents attempt infertility treatments. Cathy and Ray are adoptive parents who started working with American Adoptions following multiple failed rounds of infertility treatments.

“You go into [the adoption process] thinking that you’re going to have this complicated situation that will cause you heartbreak,” Cathy said. “I’m just glad that we didn’t let our fear of hardship get in the way of doing it because we ended up having the easiest, best adoption you could ask for.”

Of course, the journey is not always quick and smooth.

Those who first try infertility treatments and have multiple unsuccessful attempts will experience financial loss and emotional challenges. In fact, only about 50% of people under 35 years old will become pregnant through IVF. And as people get older, their chances of success decrease drastically.

Eventually, many couples decide that their real dream is to become parents, not to become pregnant. They realize that raising a child together is what’s important, and whether that is through pregnancy or adoption doesn’t matter.

4 Signs You Should Adopt a Child

So, why adopt a child? And how do you know if this is the right choice for you?

To better understand whether you’re truly ready for the adoption process, consider the four statements below.

1. You and Your Partner Share the Same Passion for Adoption

If you are wondering, “Should I adopt a child?” while knowing that your spouse is not quite ready, then adoption is not the right option now. Everyone comes to the adoption decision in their own time. But, when discussing life-changing decisions like adoption, you should be a family unit and come to an agreement — no matter how long it takes.

2. You’re Ready to Love a Child Unconditionally

Coping with infertility is not easy. The child you adopt may not have a genetic tie to you or your partner, but they will have all your love. You will love your adopted child just as much as you would love your biological child.

You should adopt only when you feel confident that you can provide the same unconditional love and support to your child regardless of biology.

3. You Can Provide a Child with a Safe, Stable and Loving Home

You don’t have to be wealthy to provide a child with a stable home, but you should be financially prepared.

The monetary demands of the adoption process can add up. You should be able to provide your child with all the opportunities they deserve for the next 18 or more years.

There is a lot that goes into the adoption process and into parenting a child. Your finances will need to reflect that you are prepared for this undertaking.

4. You Understand That There Will Be Emotional Highs and Lows of the Adoption Process

As the adoption process continues, there will be challenging moments throughout your journey. But, trusting the process and believing that you will have the child you are meant to have is all the motivation you need to carry on.

When you read those four statements of why you should adopt a child and you can confidently agree with all of them, you can also feel confident in your choice to adopt.


Adoption gives people like Cathy and Ray the opportunity to lead meaningful, fulfilling lives with their children and, in turn, provides children with opportunities in life that they didn’t think were possible.

If you'd like to learn more about why you should adopt a child in California, then you can contact us online to get free adoption information now.

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