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Jonathan & Ruth
Thanks for visiting us and taking a look into our lives! We are humbled to be part of your important decision and look forward to sharing this journey. We are blessed to have a wonderful marriage, great friends and family, and a home full of love. Family is what we have wanted most in this world. We are full of hope and gratitude for our adoption future!
Our Leisure Time
Our life is filled with fun, laughter, and memories. We have an active life, love to travel, stay fit, do projects around the house, and spend time in our pool. We love to travel to expand our horizons and experience different cultures. Earlier in his career, Jonathan travelled professionally and has been to more than 20 countries. We make it a priority to take a much anticipated family trip. We just refinished a set of chairs that belonged to Jonathan's grandparents. We will be the third generation to use them.
While we love being active we also cherish our relaxation time spent reading, gardening, cooking, or cuddling up in front of the fire. We are committed to our health, growing vegetables, and cooking nourishing meals together in our kitchen. We have a thriving flower and vegetable garden, and have plans to build garden beds this year. We both love to read and make sure we read a little every day. We cherish the idea of reading to our child, sharing the books and stories we love.
No matter what we are doing, our focus is on the time spent together and connections made with family and friends. We have dinner together every day and spend time reconnecting and catching up about our days. For us when we are spending time with those we love, it is always time well spent.
Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Ruth About Jonathan: Jonathan's kindness, honesty, and intelligence really drew me to him. I wanted that kind of love and connection. He is a people person, quick with a story to share, and an uproarious sense of humor. He treats everyone with kindness and dives into every situation with openness and positivity.
Our relationship exposed me to the true meaning of a life partner and unconditional love. We have an amazing marriage and friendship. I can spend every minute of every day with him, and still miss him when he's gone. Jonathan and I make a great team. He is my rock and we complement each other perfectly. We have been together for 13 years and every minute is better than the last.
Jonathan About Ruth: Ruth always thinks of others. Whenever someone is hurting, Ruth sends cards, makes food, and finds other ways to help. She is a great communicator, we are very open with each other, and nothing is off limits. I love that I can always tell Ruth about my best and worst days. She is there for all of them. Not only is she there for the day to day, but also ensures life milestones are recognized and celebrated. She is brilliant and analytical, which is great because I am the impulsive one. We work together on every aspect of our lives. She's an amazing partner in this journey of life. I am grateful for our close relationship and how we support each other.
Our Pup, Taco
We are animal lovers and pets are a very important to us. We currently have a really sweet, low-energy hound-mix named Taco, who loves children, treats, and French fries. We consider our dog Taco to be a vital family member (Taco agrees with this too!). He enjoys and is comfortable around other dogs, children, and people. He loves playing and walks but ultimately loves nothing more than laying in the sun until he gets hot and then moving to a nice, comfy air-conditioned spot.
Pets teach people, especially children, many important life lessons. First, and most significant, pets live in the present, put the family (or pack) first, and love unconditionally. Regardless of what kind of day it has been, Taco always greets us with love, wants to spend time with us, and snuggle up on the couch. For children, a pet can be a calming presence or a rambunctious partner in crime. Loving a pet is a great opportunity to teach children to be gentle and to care for others. We plan to have pets in our lives because of the unconditional love and companionship that they bring, and we are excited to share that experience with our child.

Our House and Neighborhood

We are so fortunate to live in a picturesque, forested community in Virginia, outside of Washington D.C. We live in one of the best school districts in the country and are a short walk to a nearby river and nature preserve.
Our home is a four bedroom, three-story single family home, with a pool and garden, surrounded by five-acres of beautiful forest. Our house has an open great-room, the perfect space to cook in the kitchen while our child plays nearby. We live in a small, close-knit community, with hiking trails, creeks, and mini-donkeys and horses to feed. Our wonderful neighbors always include us in evenings spent grilling on the deck or sitting around the fire pit. Our house is on a cul-de-sac, with families and children of all ages. Most nights children play in the cul-de-sac, kayak on the pond, or splash in our pool. The local parks have many amenities such as jungle gyms, sports facilities, and a water park.
While we love living near a big city, our community is quiet and more rural. There are special events all year including an annual community festival, 5K charity run, and local Halloween ghost tours. We have a quaint downtown with an old-fashioned train stop, post office, ice cream shop, park, farmers market, and local restaurants. Our community is culturally and racially diverse and located an hour from mountains and 40 minutes from museums, national monuments, and cultural attractions our family can explore.
Our Extended Families
In our extended families, we both have two siblings. Jonathan has two brothers and Ruth has a brother and a sister. Jonathan's family lives a few hours away. His youngest brother and sister-in-law just had their first child! Nephew Tyler is our family's first grandchild and we can't wait for our child to play with his/her new cousin. We enjoy getting together at our annual pool party and seeing family at holidays and at special and casual occasions throughout the year.

Ruth comes from a large family, spread across the Midwest and East Coast. Ruth is the oldest and her younger brother and sister are just starting on their family journeys. Ruth has many cousins with children who are excited to get to know our child. Ruth's family hosts an annual Family Reunion complete with backyard lobster boil!
Ruth comes from a multi-racial family and Jonathan's mother was deaf, these were both important aspects of our life that shaped who we are today. They also made us very attune to understanding that each person has their own, and each family has its own, unique story. We know our child will have his/her own unique story too and we will raise our child with understanding and strength drawn from his/her story, history, and special gifts.
Our families are thrilled with our adoption plan and look forward to welcoming a child into the family.
From Us to You

Capturing in words the momentous decision of adoption, and our dream of becoming parents, is challenging. Allow us to start by saying how honored and grateful we are that you are reading our profile and visiting us today. While it is impossible for us to comprehend the magnitude of your decision, we do recognize the courage it took for you to get here. We look forward to many more visits and inviting you in to share the love and comfort of our warm home and loving life.
As a couple, we were a perfect match from the day we met and knew we were meant for each other. After eating way too much Thai food, talking on the phone for hours on end, and seeing each other every minute that we could, we grew closer as a couple. We got married and rescued our fuzzy puppy "roommate," Taco. The loving home and amazing life we have made is the most important thing in the world to us. We have seen each other grow into the people we are today. We believe that we are in the best possible position to start our family.
Parenthood is our next big adventure and our greatest future joy. To prepare for that adventure, we have been immersing ourselves in workshops, online training, and books to prepare for adoption. We will model family values and are committed to love, acceptance, and belonging. We will give your child positive structure and a safe refuge as he/she grows, cultivating his/her inner strengths and natural gifts. We can't wait to be a family and become the incredible parents we know we can be. Jonathan will be fun-loving, funny, gentle and compassionate. Ruth with her thoughtful, caring, kind personality will create a nurturing and loving environment.
There are many "firsts" that we are excited to celebrate: first steps, first day of school, first goal, riding a bike, learning to drive, and heading off for college. But there are so many other smaller, more intimate experiences that we will treasure as well: the first baby tooth, our child's first joke, the whole family finally figuring out potty training, Jonathan successfully wearing a Baby Bjorn, Ruth reading books to our child by the fireplace, and the hilarious stories that only come from family vacation antics. These experiences will be shared with everyone who cares for and loves your child.
We are open to the role and relationship you desire and meets your comfort level. We look forward to getting to know you, in the ways that are right for you. We're open and excited to communicate through pictures, email, phone calls, texts, and visits. Your child's adoption will always be discussed, and be a part of his/her story, in an age-appropriate way. Your child will always know that you are his/her birth mother.
As mentioned in the beginning, we cannot pretend to understand the journey that brought you here, but we can promise to be part of the journey from this point forward.
Thank you for visiting us today. We cannot say thank you enough.
Jonathan & Ruth
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