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Christopher & Naomi
Hi! Thanks for reading our profile. We love being parents to our sweet, lively, artsy daughter and our friendly, fun-loving son; and the four of us are all very excited to welcome another child into our loving family. We hope that you consider us, and we look forward to sharing this adoption journey with you and your baby!
Our Adventures

Our family enjoys traveling, exploring new countries, spending quality time together, and making friends throughout the journey. We believe it is our responsibility as parents to allow our children to experience the beauty of God's Creation while learning about the rich cultures and languages of the people throughout the world. A few of our recent travels include visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France; touring Montserrat and the Sagrada Familia in Spain; the fumaroles and Caldeiras on Sao Miguel in the Azores; sightseeing tours of Glacier Bay, Mendenhall Glacier, the Susitna River, and Denali in Alaska; and lounging at Perdido Key in Florida.
We are a "cruising family" and our children have developed a love for cruising as well. We embarked on a 6-night Disney cruise to the Caribbean last year with Naomi's mom (Granny), Christopher's twin sister (Christy), and Christy's daughter (Noella). Levi will often ask when we can go again on the "Mickey Boat," as he likes to call it.
Closer to home, we delight in weekend trips to one of the many state resort parks in Kentucky, day trips to the aquarium in Cincinnati, and visits to the city/neighborhood parks in our home city of Lexington. We even camped in the backyard one night last fall. Whether near or far, adventure is just around the corner; and you can be sure to find us exploring this vast World while making lifelong memories.
Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Christopher About Naomi: Naomi is an incredible woman and I admire her character, optimism, and servant heart. For the past several years, she has not only taken care of the kids as a stay-at home mom, but cared for my mom who was a paraplegic from a car accident in 2018 until her passing in 2024. Naomi provides a loving home environment, ample learning opportunities for the kids, and plenty of fun breaks throughout the day. She is a talented writer and recently compiled a pregnancy cookbook and commentary to highlight the various dishes she cooked during the months prior to Levi's birth. Speaking of food, she is an excellent cook and bakes a really-tasty banana bread! I'm thankful to have her as my best friend, travel companion, and partner on this life journey.
Naomi About Christopher: Christopher's my "Mr. Incredible!" I admire his strength, servant-hearted energy, and relaxed-ness. He does everything: complex medical work-stuff; remodeling rooms with farmhouse-style shiplap and rustic flooring; grilling for family cookouts; making neighborly small talk; fixing our yard's drain system; creating beautiful gardens; running our church's online cameras; playing monster trucks with Levi or card games with Laela; etc. I sometimes wonder how he can endlessly go-go-go; but I know his heart wants to serve and love everyone well, and he does take his rest and coffee when needed! He's important, loved, and needed everywhere he goes. I'm thankful he's my best friend, and my support when I'm tired – "two are better than one and help each other along" (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).
Why We Chose Adoption

Adoption has been a shared dream for us since the very beginning. Naomi's primary childhood hero was the great missionary Amy Carmichael, whose devotion to caring for children in India shaped Naomi's life goals. When Laela was 20 months old, she moved in with Naomi through kinship foster care. Although Christopher and Naomi had only been talking online on a dating website for a couple days when this occurred, Christopher welcomed Naomi's decision to care for Laela. Christopher provided respite foster care as a single guy while living in Tennessee and continued with fostering until we married and he moved to Kentucky in 2019.
More recently, our son Levi has been asking for a "small brother;" and both our kids enjoyed when we kept Naomi's friend's daughter for a few days. We have tried to have another child naturally but have experienced repeated losses and fertility issues. We feel it's time to open our hearts and home to adoption again, and we look forward to the journey ahead!

Our House and Neighborhood

Family is very important to us; and having a home that is spacious enough for entertaining while also accommodating extended family was a priority when we purchased our home in 2019. We live in a charming ranch-style home with a walkout basement in a quiet neighborhood in Lexington, KY. Shortly after we moved in, we modified the entrance to the home to accommodate Christopher's mom, who was a paraplegic because of an automobile accident in 2018. The home has 6 bedrooms with an upstairs and downstairs playroom, a newly constructed covered-porch-and-dining-room addition, and ample yard space for grilling out and playing ball.
Whether visiting the local neighborhood library, cooling off at one of the neighborhood pools, or playing at our community park, there are endless activities to enjoy close to home. Our kids frequently play games, ride bicycles, and hang out with the other kids in our cul-de-sac. In Winter, there is an excellent sledding hill behind our home that we all enjoy coasting down; and in Summer there is a creek at the back of our property the kids splash in. Visiting the pumpkin patch and orchard is a fall-time family favorite, and Christopher and Naomi can't resist a glass of apple cider. Last February, Christopher and Laela attended a father/daughter dance at Keeneland horse track; and we look forward to making this an annual tradition. Our home, neighborhood, and community provide a supportive, nurturing environment for raising our family.
Our Extended Families

Family closeness has always been very important to us. Naomi's parents, two brothers, and many extended family members live in nearby towns; and both brothers have a child the same age as one of ours. Christopher's parents have both passed away; but his sister and preschool niece live in Orlando, with many of his other relatives elsewhere in Florida. We enjoy birthday/holiday-dinner hangouts with Naomi's family, and beach or Disney trips to get together with Christopher's family. Naomi's mom ("Granny") lives close by and enjoys spoiling the grandkids with ice cream, sleepovers, etc.

Some of our family traditions include holiday baking and family fun. At Thanksgiving, we enjoy eating cinnamon roll turkeys (with bacon feathers) for breakfast, and remembering what we're thankful for. For Christmas, we go to our church's Christmas Eve candlelight service followed by wearing matching pajamas for bed. After opening presents on Christmas morning, we enjoy Swiss muesli (from our honeymoon) and Naomi's aunt's sausage casserole. Usually, we host an extended family cookout for July 4th (Christopher loves grilling out). Naomi enjoys cooking a lamb recipe on Easter Sunday, with pita bread/hummus and "resurrection" (marshmallow-hollowed) sticky buns. For birthdays we have a cardholder wall-hanging, and the birthday person gets a ceramic red plate (with matching coffee cup) that says "You Are Special." We look forward to including your child in all our fun family festivities, at our own house and with our extended families.
From Us to You

Greetings and salutations! We know this is a big decision for you, and we appreciate you taking the time to review our profile. We are Christopher and Naomi, a pharmacist and a stay-at-home mom in the beautiful horse country of Lexington, Kentucky. We have been married for five wonderful years. We have already experienced the joys of adoption with our oldest daughter Laela; and then our son Levi was born just before our first anniversary. Now, after several years of unsuccessfully trying for one more baby, we are ready to grow our family through adoption again.
We love God, nature, peaceful music, downstairs workouts, coffee-breaks on the couch or porch-swing, playing puppet show or reading books with our kids, helping out wherever possible, and getting specialty coffees from The Human Bean on the way out of town for our many family adventures. Naomi loves cooking family meals and baking holiday desserts, with which the kids often enjoy helping or at least licking the bowl; and Christopher enjoys barbecuing for backyard picnics - for us, or also including many family and friends. Laela and Levi love bringing us their broken toys to be repaired in Daddy's fix-it shop or in Mommy's mending basket.
Family has always been very important to us. Naomi's parents and brothers live nearby; we love holiday meals together and cousin playdates. Naomi's mom (Granny) lives closest and enjoys spoiling the grandkids. Christopher's sister, niece, and many cousins live in Florida; and we try to see them regularly while also visiting the beach or Disney. Christopher's parents are both in Heaven now (as of December 2012 and March 2024, respectively); but we know they would have loved being grandparents and we endeavor to keep alive the memory of our children's special guardian angels.
As we eagerly await our adoption journey with you and your baby, we have been excitedly decorating for Baby Jack-Jack's arrival (since we already have our "Violet" and "Dash," per the Incredibles movies). Our kids are beyond excited to meet their new little "Jack-Jack" brother or sister.
Laela is artistic, spirited, cuddly, an excellent reader, and wants to be a horse farmer when she grows up. Levi is friendly, cuddly, loves to laugh and make others laugh, and a great helper who loves dinosaurs and cars and balls. Laela and Levi adore each other, and we know they will be the sweetest siblings for your baby.
Diversity is an integral part of our lives. We love traveling to other places whether aboard cruise-ships, via planes, or simply by way of ethnic foods on our plates and then finding those foods' source locations on the giant wall-map of the world in our entryway. Our community and church are ethnically diverse as well, and full of young playmates with whom your child will grow up. Lexington has excellent schools as well as several colleges for your child to find his/her niche as s/he gets older.
We continue to have relationships with Laela's bio-family as we are able and as they desire; and we look forward to a continued relationship with you as well. We will send photos and email updates; and we will do our best to make yearly or semi-yearly visits.
We wish you all the best through the remainder of this journey, and we welcome any questions you may have along the way.
Christopher & Naomi
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